Eli Hsieh — Light (謝震廷 — 燈光)

一個人走在路上 不知道是第幾晚上
已沒有人來人往 也沒有城市交響
入夜後的台北 很漂亮
但怎麼卻感覺 很悲傷
Walking alone on the streets
Not knowing how many nights it has been
There ain’t no more hustle and bustle, nor the symphony of the city
The Taipei in the night is very beautiful
But why do I feel so sad

大概是又想起你說 說我像個太陽
24小時開朗 為人照亮
但其實你說謊 你知道
若沒有你我根本就沒有辦法 發光
你很健忘 沒你在旁 哪裡來的力量
感傷 這一切都已經成過往
如果時光回放 多渴望告訴你
Probably because I thought of what you said, saying I’m like a sun
Being cheerful for 24 hours, brightening others
But you were actually lying. You know that,
without you I’m not able to shine at all
You’re so forgetful. Without you by my side, how do I get the strength?
Sad, how everything has become the past
If I could turn back time, I wish I could tell you…

我不想做太陽 我不想再逞強
我只想為你 做一盞燈光
I don’t want to be a sun. I don’t want to force it anymore.
I only want to be a light for you
And turn the switch on when you need me

你不必再流浪 你不必再心慌
不必再去想 不必再去扛
You don’t have to wander anymore. You don’t have to panic anymore.
Don’t need to think about it anymore. Don’t need to shoulder it anymore.
I don’t need to pretend you’re still by my side either
It’s so stupid and wishful thinking of me

一個人走在路上 漫無目的地遊蕩
看著路燈的昏黃 把陰影拉好長
長到我 怎麼樣 都追不上
沒有你 我永遠 都追不上
Walking alone on the streets
Wandering around aimlessly
Look how the dim of the streetlights has stretched the shadows
So stretched that no matter how I just can’t catch up
Without you I’m not ever gonna catch up

大概是又想起你說 說我像個太陽
24小時開朗 為人照亮
現在聽來誇張 你知道
若沒有你我根本就沒有 辦法 發光
你不健忘 你是善良 為了讓我堅強
感傷 這一切都已經成過往
如果時光回放 我一定告訴你
Probably because I once again thought of what you said, saying I’m like a sun
Being cheerful for 24 hours, brightening the others
It sounds so exaggerating now. You know that
without you I’m not able to shine at all
You’re not forgetful. You’re just kind, to make me strong.
Sad, how everything has become the past.
If I can turn back time, I would definitely tell you

我不想做太陽 我不想再逞強
我只想為你 做一盞燈光
I don’t want to be a sun. I don’t want to force it anymore.
I only want to be a light for you
And turn the switch on when you need me

你不必再流浪 你不必再心慌
不必再去想 不必再去扛
You don’t have to wander anymore. You don’t have to panic anymore.
Don’t need to think about it anymore. Don’t need to shoulder it anymore.
I don’t need to pretend you’re still by my side either

我不想做太陽 不想再逞強
我只想做你 心裡的燈光
I don’t want to be a sun. I don’t want to force it anymore.
I only want to be a light in your heart
And turn the switch on when you’re about to leave

我不會再假裝 我不會再說謊
I’m not going to fake it anymore.
I’m not going to lie anymore.

I just want to go into the distance with you

If I can turn back time
If I can turn back time
If I can turn back time…

Hebe Tien — Forever Love (田馥甄 — 愛著就永遠)

English translation of the lyrics of Hebe Tien’s “Forever Love” (As People Love)


和你 相遇
I just said goodbye to the cold winter
The tears are still frozen at the corner of my eye
I met you

為你 猶豫
Our scars share the same scent
In a weather suitable for falling in love
I’m hesitating
For you

我們在寂寞中靠近 擁抱中痊癒
We got closer out of loneliness,
cured each other with hugs
But we don’t want to talk about love that rashly
Some people change as they love
And forget promises as they love

有沒有愛著愛著就永遠 的幸運
We’re heading forward in the glimmer
Being careful with the “liking each other”
Trying to figure how happiness ought to be
Just being afraid people give up as they love
Is there the luck to reach forever, as they love?

全心 全意
Perhaps forever is quite easy
The only difficulty is who would
give all his or her heart in

我們在寂寞中靠近 擁抱中痊癒
We got closer out of loneliness,
cured each other with hugs
But we don’t want to talk about love that rashly
Some people change as they love
And forget promises as they love

有沒有愛著愛著就永遠 的幸運
We’re heading forward in the glimmer
Being careful with the “liking each other”
Trying to figure how happiness ought to be
Just being afraid people give up as they love
Is there the luck to reach forever, as they love?

Would it work

Lala Hsu — Missing Person (徐佳瑩 — 尋人啟事)


讓我看看 你的照片 究竟為什麼 你消失不見
多數時間 你在哪邊 會不會疲倦 你思念著誰
Let me take a look at your photo
how come you would disappear
Where are you most of the time?
Would you be tired?
Who would you be missing?

而世界的粗糙 讓我去到你身邊 難一些
而緣份的細膩 又清楚地浮現 你的臉
The roughness of this world
has made it more difficult for me to get by your side
And the delicate destiny yet let your face appear clearly

有些時候 我也疲倦 停止了思念 卻不肯鬆懈
就算世界 擋在我前面 猖狂地說 別再奢侈浪費
sometimes I would get tired too
I stop missing you but I never get myself too relaxed
Even the world has been standing in my way
and telling me furiously, not to waste my time and efforts anymore

我多想找到你 輕捧你的臉 我會張開我雙手 撫摸你的背
請讓我擁有你 失去的時間 在你流淚之前 保管你的淚
I want to find you so badly, and hold your face softly
I will open my arms, and touch your back
Please let me own your missing time
And before you cry, let me keep your tears

Lala Hsu — The Things Tomorrow (徐佳瑩 — 明天的事情)


可是怎麼知道 到時候我還愛你
Let’s reserve the trip next summer
Let’s reserve the stage show next month
Let’s reserve the restaurant for Valentine’s Day
But how would I know, whether I still love you by the time
I can’t even tell it now
I can only hold you tightly yet passively
I don’t care anymore
I don’t want to hear anything
Don’t talk to me about the things tomorrow

不要再提醒明天的不確定 不確定
No one can be sure about love
so I can only occupy you greedily and overbearingly
I don’t believe in anything other than you
don’t remind me how uncertain tomorrow is
可是怎麼知道 這樣就會更合適
Let’s forget about the argument yesterday
Let’s change our annoying personalities
Let’s not mind each other’s love history
But how would I know
these would make us fit each other more

Hebe Tien –Your Body Speaks (田馥甄 — 身體都知道)

It’s not the official link, so please still support the official music!


你 切片披薩
喝昨夜熬的湯 配無糖的綠茶

You cut a splice of pizza
drank the soup you made last night
along with the sugar-free green tea

讓 皮膚生長
等頭髮留長 把指甲剪斷

Letting the skin grow
Waiting for the hair to lengthen
Cutting the nails

一切 都嫺熟平淡
一切 不違背自然
Everything is so well-practiced and normal
Everything works as how it should

心情繫於 神經末端
高興低潮 無非是血液循環

My emotions are tied to the tip of nerves
Being up or down are just a part of blood circulation

覺得苦 那就吃一顆糖
If you feel bitter, just have some candy

喔 喔 喔
輕輕地唱一唱 發出你的共鳴
感受呼吸 盪氣迴腸
Sing softly and produce the resonance
Feel your breath stirring within

喔 喔 喔
你快不快樂 你的身體早有答案
Heartbeats wouldn’t lie
Whether you’re happy or not
Your body has the answer long ago

我 不也都一樣
走累了就吃飯 說了晚安就躺
For me it’s the same
I eat when I’m tired of walking
I lay down straight after I said “goodnight”

謝謝我 眼睛雪亮
才能夠 見識漂亮
I’m thankful that I got these shiny eyes
So that I get to see beautiful things

流淚 就是一種排汗
心酸只是科學 別多愁善感
Shedding tears is just a way of perspiration
Feeling bitter is just something scientific
Stop being all emotional

覺得僵 那就去做伸展
If you feel stiff (awkward), just do some stretches

喔 喔 喔
輕輕地唱一唱 發出你的共鳴
感受呼吸 盪氣迴腸
Sing softly and produce the resonance
Feel your breath stirring within

喔 喔 喔
你快不快樂 你的身體早有答案
Heartbeats wouldn’t lie
Whether you’re happy or not
Your body has the answer long ago

上一次感冒 吞下的苦藥
治癒嗎 你的身體都知道
The pills you took during the last cold
Did they work?
Your body speaks

喔 喔 喔
輕輕地唱一唱 發出你的共鳴
感受呼吸 盪氣迴腸
Sing softly and produce the resonance
Feel your breath stirring within

喔 喔 喔
輸送著力量 在靈魂深處迴響
You can hear your heart
transporting the power and echoing deep inside your soul

喔 喔 喔
你快不快樂 你的身體早有答案
Heartbeats won’t lie
Whether you’re happy or not
Your body has the answer long ago

S.H.E. — Repair me (S.H.E — 還我)


I swallowed my tears with the lips you kissed
I guess now we don’t owe each other anymore
Let loneliness take away your scent
and I will embrace the unrelated tomorrow slowly and gently

I will return you the promises I once believed
and the dreams that were once so beautiful
all of a sudden my heart feels so empty
do you have anything to return me though?

No I don’t need them ,
neither the future that is no more there nor the apologies
All I want is just happiness
can you please return it to me?

I tried to reset the past and delete every detail of you,
returning myself the days before I fell in love with you

I could take time to wipe away the time I spent with you
who should keep the memories though?

I will return you the promises I once believed
and the dreams that were once so beautiful
all of a sudden my heart feels so empty
do you have anything to return me though?

No I don’t need them ,
neither the future that is no more there nor the apologies
All I want is just happiness
can you please return it to me?

Return me the promises you have taken away,
as well as the dreams we had
My heart is so empty
why can’t you just return them all?

No I don’t need them ,
neither the future that is no more there nor the apologies
can you please just return the old me to me?

I tried to reset the past and delete every detail of you,
returning myself the days before I fell in love with you

Jay Chou feat. aMei — Shouldn’t Be (周杰倫、張惠妹 — 不該)

Just felt like I should do something other than Yoga Lin and Hebe Tien haha.


假裝我們還在 一塊
我真的演 不出來
還是不習慣你 不在
這身份轉變 太快
I really can’t pretend that we aren’t together anymore
I’m still not used to you not being around
This change of my status just came too soon

畫面裡不需要 旁白
卻誰都看 的出來
是我情緒湧了 上來
想哭卻一遍 空白
Ain’t need no narrator to tell the story
Anyone can tell what it’s about
all my emotions are rolling
I wanna cry but there’s nothing left except a blank

雪地裡相愛 他們說零下已結晶 的誓言 不會壞
但愛的狀態 卻不會永遠都冰封 而透明 的存在
we fell in love in the snow
people say that frozen swears won’t rot
but the state of love can’t be frozen and forever exist

輕輕飄 落下來
許下的夢 融化的太快
或許我們都 不該醒來
it drifted gently and fell slowly
the dream we had melted too soon
maybe we shouldn’t have waken up from it

你還是 住在我的 回憶裡不 出來
讓我們 微笑離開 讓故事留 下來
放手後 愛依然在
雪融了 就應該花開
緣若盡了 就不該再重來
you’re still living in my memories and I just get haunted by it
let’s leave with a smile and let the story stay
love would still be there even if I let you go
after the snow melt, the flowers shall blossom
if this shall be the end of our story
we shouldn’t have tried to start over again

你依舊 住在我的 回憶裡不 出來
我離開 將你的手 交給下個 最愛
反而是 另一種傷害
彼此緊握的手鬆開 去擁抱更多未來
you’re still living in my memories and I just get haunted by it
I shall leave and put your hand into your new lover’s
struggling and waiting stubbornly
are just other means of hurting
if we let each other go we could embrace more possibilities

錯過的時間怎 麼買
誰都付 不出來
或許我們學會 釋懷
讓過去安靜 下來
how do I purchase the time we have missed?
no one is able to pay for it
maybe we should learn to get over it
and let the past be silent

雪地裡相愛 他們說零下已結晶 的誓言 不會壞
但愛的狀態 卻不會永遠都冰封 而透明 的存在
we fell in love in the snow
people say that frozen swears won’t rot
but the state of love can’t be frozen and forever exist

輕輕飄 落下來
許下的夢 融化的太快
或許我們都 不該醒來
it drifted gently and fell slowly
the dream we had melted too soon
maybe we shouldn’t have waken up from it

你還是 住在我的 回憶裡不 出來
讓我們 微笑離開 讓故事留 下來
放手後 愛依然在
雪融了 就應該花開
緣若盡了 就不該再重來
you’re still living in my memories and I just get haunted by it
let’s leave with a smile and let the story stay
love would still be there even if I let you go
after the snow melt, the flowers shall blossom
if this shall be the end of our story
we shouldn’t have tried to start over again

你依舊 住在我的 回憶裡不 出來
我離開 將你的手 交給下個 最愛
反而是 另一種傷害
彼此緊握的手鬆開 去擁抱更多未來
you’re still living in my memories and I just get haunted by it
I shall leave and put your hand into your new lover’s
struggling and waiting stubbornly
are just other means of hurting
if we let each other go
we could embrace more possibilities

Hebe Tien — Love Yourself (田馥甄 — 獨善其身)

English translation of the lyrics of Hebe Tien’s “Love Yourself”. Hope you’d enjoy it!


眼睛在忙著看風景 嘴巴想念著甜品
這雙耳朵只想保持 安靜
My eyes are busy enjoying the scenery
My mouth is missing the desserts
My pair of ears just want to stay silent

頭髮在纏著它自己 呼吸在挑剔空氣
這個腦袋知道何時 微醺
My hair is tangled by itself while my breath is being picky on the air
My mind just knows when to be tipsy

要什麼道理 身體髮膚 天生愛自己
有什麼邏輯 想愛別人 何止要運氣
先善待這身體 靈魂再相遇
先善待這顆心 再懂別的心
Why do I need a reason? I love myself, the skin and the body.
Is there a logic? When you want to love someone, you need more than luck.
Treat your body well, then let the souls meet.
Treat your heart well, then understand other one’s.

這雙耳朵為誰不再 安靜
頭髮為誰放開自己 呼吸能被誰呼吸
這個腦袋知道讓誰 微醺
Whose scenery would my eyes be?
Whose dessert would my mouth be?
Whom would this pair of ears break silence for?
Who would ease the tangle of my hair?
Who would breathe in my breath?
My mind just knows whom to make tipsy

要什麼道理 身體髮膚 自會有靈犀
有什麼邏輯 想愛的人 也在愛自己
先善待這身體 靈魂才相遇
先善待這顆心 就懂誰的心
就懂誰的心 就懂誰的心
Why do I need a reason? The body and the skin, would know it themselves.
Is there a logic? Someone I want to love would love himself/herself too.
Treat this body well, then let the souls meet.
Treat this heart well, you would then know the other’s.
You would then know the other’s
You would then know the other’s
You would then know the other’s

Yoga Lin –Tiny Part of You (林宥嘉 — 一點點)




Do you dare to admit, that we’ve spent all of our lives pursuing something we can’t achieve? Are we not?

Some posters of a band that has already split up. Some northern lights. Some graduation trip that can’t be turned back. Some luxurious villa in Hollywood. Some childhood toy you miss but has vanished throughout the tides of time. Some shooting stars. Some unreachable idol.

Including that one kiss — you already knew you couldn’t own it forever in this life, despite the fact it’s just a tiny kiss.

Towards the reachable things, we usually  despise them. We get bored easily. If suddenly the dream is almost being realized, we become frightened instead. Because we know that the roses that don’t bloom wouldn’t fade. We know it very well as the intro starts we shall be prepared for the last note. Once some thing gets started, it would end. So we often would rather not things to start. We let the “unknown” take care of our dreams, to let the curiosity follow the unknown footsteps, in order to continue our imaginary journey.

Therefore we see the face she’s obsessed with through the mirror in her hand, and see ourselves too. We’ve also once become a thief to pursue something unreachable. Although we were thieves, we were not guilty. We went through failures, while we had a taste of pride. We became great losers in the glimmer of “secret crush”. We stole a tiny part of his smile, a tiny part of his sadness; we stole a tiny part of his temperature, a tiny part of his world.

A tiny part is enough. I can only steal a tiny part. Because “once some thing gets started, it would end”. You’ve learned too many lessons about “once some thing gets started, it would end”. Therefore, towards the person you love, you treasure the distance in between you carefully.

We’ve always mistaken “youth” as a “romance film”.
“Youth”, however, is a brutal and hurtful “lame adventure film”.


Youth is selling today.
The sunset was dazzling. There was light “jumping” on your neck. You were suddenly awaken from your nap.
The person you have lost, appeared in Yoga Lin’s imaginary mirror by tiny little bit.
The things that made you dizzy, the mountains, the lakes, the clouds, his face… all revived in this “Montage”.
Happiness is this simple but already complete.

You’re still chasing after unreachable things. For example, the gone youth. You follow it step by step, and you can’t help with it.

或前或後 任何星球
I’m in the universe you can’t see
some planet closer or further
a space with a far far gravitational force

你的山巔 你的湖泊
But I’ve always been beside you
your mountains and your lakes
the clouds are drifting in the air

你的每個瞬間 不想錯過
像是亦步亦趨 才算活過
I don’t want to miss every moment of you
as if I have to follow your every step to feel alive

一點點 想像你的臉
一雙眼 看見了誰 變成了誰
一點點 失去你的臉
是因為 想成為誰 都不像誰
Tiny little bit, I picture your face in my mind
With this pair of eyes, who have I seen and become
Tiny little bit, I lost your face
because I want to become someone but I can’t even look alike

who are you

反覆咀嚼 也是喜悅
I secretly fulfill myself with every piece of you
it’s also a kind of joy to taste it over and over again
Happiness is this simple but already complete

不知道就 不算遺忘
I think I wouldn’t wanna let you know
so not knowing doesn’t mean you’re forgetting
It’s a wound I’m enjoying

有時遙不可及 才是追求
有時近在身邊 反而不懂
Sometimes things have to be unattainable to be pursued
because when it’s by my side I wouldn’t understand instead

一點點 想像你的臉
一雙眼 看見了誰 變成了誰
一點點 失去你的臉
是因為 想成為誰 都不像誰
Tiny little bit, I picture your face in my mind
With this pair of eyes, who have I seen and become
Tiny little bit, I lost your face
because I want to become someone but I can’t even look alike

你是誰 學不會 忘記誰
Who are you? I couldn’t manage to forget whom?

一點點 想像你的臉
一雙眼 看見了誰 變成了誰
一點點 失去你的臉
是因為 想成為誰 都不像誰
想到誰 就是誰
Tiny little bit, I picture your face in my mind
With this pair of eyes, who have I seen and become
Tiny little bit, I lost your face
because I want to become someone but I can’t even look alike
whoever I think of, it’d be whom then

Hebe Tien — Soul Mate (田馥甄 — 靈魂伴侶)

It’s one my favorite songs in Hebe Tien’s new album.

If you were the gust of wind in the spring
I must be the furthest kite
若你只是一道 某個弄堂緊鎖的門
If you were the locked door in some alley
I would be the vine outside the door

If you were the rainbow that could only been seen by chance
I would like to be people’s exclamations
若你又是一顆 可望不可及的星辰
and if you were an unreachable star
I would be the eyesight gazing afar

But you’ve chosen to be a normal person
so then I fell in love with this person
甘願我的靈魂 困在這個肉身
I would rather my soul be stranded in this body
to be paired with you

But you’re already the most normal person
It’s so good to just look
yet my heart is stupid
雙手和你碰過 肩膀和你擦過
I’ve touched your hands and brushed past your shoulders
our souls still can’t recognize each other though

Whilst you’re the constantly running second hand
I would be the upsurging gear behind you
當你還是一滴 筆尖尚未乾透的藍
Whilst you’re the blue that is still wet on the tip of the pen
I would be the mark at the back of the paper

So you choose to be a normal person
but you’re still not the person that would love me
不管我的靈魂 困在哪個肉身
no matter which body my soul is stranded
we’re doomed not to be paired

So I’m already a normal person
I understand it all but my heart still aches a lot
和你談笑風生 和你談過心聲
I’ve enjoyed our chat so much and shared my true thoughts with you
Our souls yet lack the courage to recognize each other